
If you have the appropriate power level in a room, then you can change room settings and membership as described throughout this page.

Managing Room Membership

Both bot spam and aggressive users are an unfortunately reality, and you may sometimes find yourself needing to get rid of users in a room. You can ban a user with:

:room ban

If you would like to unban someone, you can do:

:room unban

And if you just need to kick them out of the room without banning them (for example, when dealing with a user from a homeserver that no longer exists and is causing perpetual errors in federation), then you can do:

:room kick

If you find yourself managing a large room and needing to often ban users, you may want to look at something like mjolnir to help you manage a ban list.

Setting Room Aliases

You can add a new alias to a room with:

:room alias set

And remove an alias with:

:room alias unset

If you want to add a canonical alias or promote an existing one to be canonical, then you can use:

:room canon set

If there was an existing canonical alias, then it will be demoted to a regular alternative room alias.

If you want a room alias to no longer be canonical, then you can make it an alternative alias with:

:room canon unset

If you don’t know what the room’s current canonical or alternative aliases are, you can see them with:

:room canon show
:room alias show

Setting Room Properties

You can set the description of the currently focused room using its set command:

:room topic set "This is the new room topic"

Similarly, if you need to change the room’s name:

:room name set "Watercooler Discussion"

If you want to remove the topic or name, you can use :room topic unset or :room name unset.

Setting History Visibility

Depending on what your rooms are used for, you may want to configure different visibility settings for the room history. Your options include:

  • invited, which configures the room to allow people to see history from the point they were invited onwards.
  • joined, which configures the room to allow people to see history from the point they actually join the room.
  • shared, which configures the room to allow people to see all history once they are joined, including messages from before they joined.
  • world/world_readable which configures the room to allow anyone to see the room history regardless of whether they are joined and in it.

You can then set it with:

:room history set [invited|joined|shared|world]

You can see the current setting with:

:room history show