
iamb is a terminal-based client for Matrix for the Vim addict. You can edit messages, navigate windows and manage tabs in the same ways that your fingers are used to from your favorite text editor!

Example Usage


  • Threads, spaces, E2EE, and read receipts
  • Image previews in terminals that support it (sixels, Kitty, and iTerm2), or using pixelated blocks for those that don’t
  • Notifications via terminal bell or desktop environment
  • Creating, joining, and leaving rooms
  • Sending and accepting room invitations
  • Editing, redacting, and reacting to messages
  • Custom keybindings
  • Multiple profiles

Reading This Documentation

This documentation indicates keybindings using the following conventions:

  • Named keys are shown between angle brackets; for example, <Space> is the space bar.
  • Modifiers like the control key or shift are shown with their combining key between brackets; for example, <C-W> is Ctrl-W and <S-Tab> is Shift+Tab.
  • Sequences of keys to be pressed are shown in the order to press them; for example, <C-W>gf indicates that you should type Ctrl-W, then g, and finally f.


iamb is free and open source. You can find the source code, report bugs and request features on GitHub.

If you find a mistake in this documentation, you can report it or submit a pull request at the GitHub repository.

Most of the Vim emulation in iamb comes from the modalkit crate. If you find a bug in text editing, window management, or need a Vim keybinding added, you can file an issue there.

Join us on Matrix!

Please feel free to join us in:

Both of these are in the space.


iamb and its documentation are released under the Apache License, Version 2.0.


From a package manager

Several community members have taken care of setting up packages for their preferred operating systems and distributions. If you don’t see your system on this page, try checking repology to see whether one exists for your system.

Arch Linux

Using your preferred AUR helper, you can install iamb-git. For example, using paru:

paru iamb-git

NetBSD / pkgsrc

On NetBSD (or any other system with pkgsrc available), you can install the iamb package:

pkgin install iamb


There is an iamb package available in the 23.11 channel, or, if you have enabled flakes in Nix, you can install iamb from the Git repository via:

nix profile install "github:ulyssa/iamb/latest"

You can replace latest with a branch or specific version tag name if you want to install something besides the most recent release (e.g. main or v0.0.8).

openSUSE Tumbleweed

On openSUSE Tumbleweed a package is available from openSUSE Build Service (OBS). You can install it using OBS Package Installer:

opi iamb


A snap is available for Linux distributions [which support it][install-snap]:

snap install iamb

GitHub Releases

You can find binaries built for x86_64 Linux from the Releases page on GitHub.


You can install the most recently published version of iamb from using cargo:

$ cargo install --locked iamb

This will install the iamb binary to ~/.cargo/bin/, which you should then place in your $PATH.

From Git Repository

If you are working on iamb or need a change that has not yet been published, you can clone the source from GitHub and build from that:

$ git clone
$ cd iamb
$ cargo build --release
$ ./target/release/iamb --version
iamb 0.0.9 (82645c8)


iamb is configurable via a TOML configuration file located in the configuration directory. By default, the configuration directory is determined by dirs::config_dir, but you can override it at startup with the -C command-line flag.


You can configure a Matrix account in your config.toml by creating a profiles subsection with a user_id field specifying your account:

user_id = ""

When you start iamb for the first time, it will ask you whether you want to log in with a password (enter p to select), or SSO (enter s to select). If you choose SSO, then a page will open in your browser to go through the SSO authentication flow.

Multiple Profiles

You can create multiple profiles for different accounts or settings by adding additional subsections to the profiles section:

default_profile = "user"

user_id = ""

user_id = ""

With the default_profile field set, iamb will default to using the user profile at startup. You can manually specify what you want via the -P flag. For example:

$ iamb -P admin
Logging in for

Per-Profile Configuration

Several of the sectioncs that you can place under the global configuration can also be placed within profile configurations to achieve per-profile values:

  • dirs
  • layout
  • macros
  • settings

Per-profile values will be merged on top of the global values. For example:

style = "restore"

style = "new"

Explicit Homeserver URLs

If your homeserver is located on a different domain than the server part of the user_id and you don’t have a /.well-known entry, then you can explicitly specify the homeserver URL to use:

default_profile = "user"

user_id = ""
url = ""

user_id = ""
url = ""


default_roomA default room name or username to open at startup, in place of showing the welcome screen.
image_preview(unset)Configures displaying image attachments for terminals that support previewing images. See Image Previews below.
log_level"info"Configures the minimum log level. Valid values are "trace", "debug", "info", "warn" or "error".
message_user_colorfalseWhether to color entire messages using the same color used for the sender’s username and display name.
message_shortcode_displayfalseWhether to replace Emojis in message bodies with their shortcodes.
notifications(unset)Whether to generate desktop notifications for messages sent to rooms not currently being viewed. See Notifications
open_commandConfigures a command to use for opening downloads instead of the default. (e.g., ["my-open", "--file"] to run a custom script
reaction_displaytrueWhether to display message reactions. You can use this or reaction_shortcode_display if your terminal doesn’t show Emojis well.
reaction_shortcode_displayfalseWhether to show the shortcode value instead of the Emoji for reactions. If no shortcode is available, then it won’t be displayed.
read_receipt_displaytrueWhether to display read receipts next to messages in the room scrollback.
read_receipt_sendtrueWhether to send read receipts for viewed rooms.
request_timeout120How long to wait in seconds before timing out requests to the homeserver.
sortConfigures how to sort the lists in different windows like :rooms or :members. See Sorting Lists below.
typing_notice_displaytrueWhether to display the typing notifications bar.
typing_notice_sendtrueWhether to send notifications to other room members when typing.
user_gutter_width30How much space to reserve for displaying the message sender in room history.
users{}Configure how other users get displayed in the client. See User Display.
username_display"username"Configure what name is shown for senders. Valid values are "username" (e.g.,, "localpart" (e.g., user), or "displayname" (e.g., User Name)

For example, if you wanted to raise the timeout to accommodate a long initial sync, and show more log messages, you could put the following into your config.toml:

log_level = "debug"
request_timeout = 180

Image Previews

When the settings.image_preview subsection is present, iamb will try to detect an appropriate way to show previews of image attachments:

image_preview = {}

There are several different supported ways of showing images:

  • "sixel", a method supported by several different terminals (see
  • "iterm2", a method supported by the iTerm2 terminal for macOS
  • "kitty", a method supported by the Kitty terminal (requires at least version 0.28.0)
  • "halfblocks", a pixelated representation of the image using colored blocks, and used as a fallback

If a method that works for your terminal can’t be autodetected (e.g., when running on Windows or in a terminal that doesn’t provide pixel information), you can manually specify how image previews are done using the "protocol" field:

protocol.type = "halfblocks"
protocol.font_size = [ 11, 26 ]

The "type" field is one of the three methods from above, and "font_size" can be used to specify the width and height of each character cell in pixels. (Like specifying the "type", this is only necessary if the size in pixels can’t be detected normally using the standard terminal ioctl calls.)

You can control the maximum amount of columns/rows that the images take up in the scrollback using the "size" field:

size = { height = 10, width = 66 }


The settings.notifications section allows enabling notifications for messages sent to rooms not currently open. For example, to enable desktop notifications, you can put the following in your configuration:

enabled = true

Notification fields

enabledfalseWhether to send notifications
show_messagetrueWhether to include the message body when showing the notification
via"desktop"How to deliver the notification: "desktop" for desktop mechanism, or "bell" for terminal bell.

Sorting Lists

The settings.sort section allows you to customize how lists of rooms or users are sorted in the different iamb windows by specifying which values you want to sort on. Values are provided as an array of fields, with an optional leading ~ to flip the sort order from ascending to descending.

For example, if you wanted to group users in the :members list together by their ascending server name and descending localparts, you could do:

members = ["server", "~localpart"]

Sort Fields

rooms["favorite", "lowpriority", "unread", "name"]How to sort the :rooms window
chats(defaults to rooms value)How to sort the :chats window
dms(defaults to rooms value)How to sort the :dms window
spaces(defaults to rooms value)How to sort the :spaces window
members["power", "id"]How to sort the :members window

Room Fields

"favorite"Sort rooms with the “Favorite” tag towards the top.
"lowpriority"Sort rooms with the “Low Priority” tag towards the bottom.
"recent"Sort rooms with recent messages towards the top.
"unread"Sort rooms with unread messages towards the top.
"name"Sort rooms alphabetically by their room name.
"alias"Sort rooms alphabetically by thei canonical alias (e.g.,
"id"Sort rooms alphabetically by their unique room identifier (e.g., !

User Fields

"power"Sort users by decreasing power level.
"id"Sort users alphabetically by their username (e.g.
"localpart"Sort users alphabetically by the localpart of their username (e.g. the @user portion of
"server"Sort users alphabetically by the server in their username (e.g. the portion of

Startup Layout

You can configure what windows get shown when iamb starts by adding a layout section.

Restore Previous Layout

By default, the client will try to restore all of the tabs and windows from the last time it was run. You can explicitly configure this behaviour with:

style = "restore"

New Window

If you want to see a single new window each time you start up, you can set:

style = "new"

This will show the :welcome window by default, but you can set "default_room" to change it to something else.

Configured Layout

If you want to start up with the same layout every time regardless of the state at last exit, you can specify an array of tabs and the window tree in each one:

style = "config"

split = [
    { window = "" },
    { window = "" }

split = [
    { split = [ { window = "" }, { window = "" } ] },
    { window = "" }

Custom Keybindings

You can add custom keybindings in macros subsections, which describes the Vim modes to map the commands to, the input keys you want to map, and the keys that you want it to then run. These keybindings behave like macros when a count is given, and will repeat the target key sequnce n times.

For example, you could use the following to map jj to <Esc> in Insert mode and V to <C-W>m in Normal and Visual mode:

"jj" = "<Esc>"

"V" = "<C-W>m"

The available modes are:

  • normal/n for Normal mode
  • insert/i for Insert mode
  • visual/v for Visual mode
  • command/c for Command mode
  • select for Select mode
  • operator-pending for Operator Pending mode

Use | to specify that something should be mapped in several modes.

If you are unsure how to represent a key, you can you record a macro that use it and then look at its representation in the register. For example, you could do the following to find the value of the left arrow key:

  • Type qa to start recording to the a register
  • Press the left arrow key
  • Press q to stop recording
  • Type "ap to paste the contents of the a register, yielding <Left>


iamb will use the standard directories for your operating system, but you can override them by placing a "dirs" field in your config.toml containing any of the following fields:

cache${dirs::cache_dir}/iambDirectory for iamb data and output that can be safely deleted.
data${dirs::data_dir}/iambDirectory for iamb data persisted between sessions, like E2EE keys.
downloads${dirs::download_dir}Output directory for downloaded attachments.
image_previews${cache}/image_preview_downloadsOutput directory for caching image displayed when using image_preview
logs${cache}/logsOutput directory for iamb logs.

User Display

You can override how individual users get displayed in the scrollback using the settings.users section.

colorDetermined per-userThe color to use when showing this user on the screen.
nameDetermined per-userThe name to use when showing this user on the screen.

Valid values for the color field are:

  • "black"
  • "blue"
  • "cyan"
  • "dark-gray"
  • "gray"
  • "green"
  • "light-blue"
  • "light-cyan"
  • "light-green"
  • "light-magenta"
  • "light-red"
  • "light-yellow"
  • "magenta"
  • "none"
  • "red"
  • "white"
  • "yellow"

For example, if you wanted to override how a bot in a room gets displayed:

"" = { name = "jenkins (CI BOT)", color = "light-red" }

End-To-End Encryption


Incoming Verifications

If another user or one of your other devices has sent you a verification request, then it will appear in the Verifications list, accessible via running :verify with no arguments.

Requesting Verifications

If you’d like to verify another user, you can do so by running :verify request USERID. Once they accept, you can check the Emojis and confirm that they match in the same way as shown above for incoming verifications.

Room Keys

Exporting / Importing Keys

If you want to export your room keys, either to save them as a backup or to import them into another session, you can use:

:keys export /path/to/output.keys passphrase

This will write out the keys encrypted with the given passphrase.

When you have keys that you would like to import into iamb, you can do so with:

:keys import /path/to/input.keys passphrase


Joining And Leaving Rooms

You can join a new room or space using the :join command. For example, to join the Matrix community space, you can run:


You can similarly start a new direct message:


You can leave the currently focused room via the :leave command. This will prompt for confirmation by default, but you can override it by appending !:



Browsing Rooms

You can switch to a list of joined rooms using the :rooms command.

Browsing Direct Messages

You can switch to a list of direct messages using the :dms command.

Browsing Rooms And DMs Together

You can switch to a list of both joined rooms and direct messages using the :chats command.

Browsing Spaces

You can switch to a list of joined spaces using the :spaces command.


Viewing Room/Space Members

When viewing a room or a space, you can use the :members command to open a new window displaying the active members.


Room Creation

You can create new rooms and spaces using the :create command. By default, the room is private and unencrypted, but you can use the following flags to configure how it is initially created:

  • ++space to make it a space
  • ++public to make the room publicly joinable
  • ++enc/++encrypted to make it an encrypted room
  • ++alias=__localpart__ to set a canonical alias

For example, you could use the following to create a new public space

:create ++space ++alias=community ++public

Room Invitations

Private Matrix rooms require someone to be let in by a current member with a high enough power level. You can invite someone to join a room through the :invite send command:

:invite send

The user will receive an invitation that they can then choose to accept or reject. If you’ve received an invitation to a room, space, or direct message, you can open it up, focus the window and run:

  • :invite accept to accept the invitation and join the room
  • :invite reject to reject the invitation

Setting Room Properties

You can set the description of the currently focused room using the :set command:

:room topic set "This is the new room topic"

Similarly, if you need to change the room’s name:

:room name set "Watercooler Discussion"

If you want to remove the topic or name, you can use :room topic unset or :room name unset.

Setting Room Tags

Matrix rooms can be tagged to help with sorting them. Several special tags that Matrix defines are:

  • m.favourite for favorite rooms that you look at often
  • m.lowpriority for rooms that you don’t look at often
  • m.server_notice for rooms where homeserver announcements are made

In iamb, you can modify the tags of an open room using:

:room tag set m.favourite

You can use :room tag set fav as a shorthand for m.favourite, and :room tag set low as a shorthand for m.lowpriority.

If you want to unset a tag, you can do:

:room tag unset fav

Matrix also allows users to apply their own tags that start with u.. For example, if you wanted to mark rooms that are bridged to an IRC channel, you could do:

:room tag set u.irc

Note that user tags are not shown by all clients, so while they will appear in iamb, you won’t necessarily see them elsewhere.



While the message bar of a room is selected, you can type a message that you wish to send. When it’s complete, you can send it by pressing the <Enter> key from either Normal or Insert mode.

If you need to type a multiline message, you can start a line by typing <C-V><C-J>. You can also use the O and o keys to insert a blank line before or after the current line respectively.

From within the message bar, you can complete Matrix usernames, room aliases and identifiers, and Emoji shortcodes (e.g., :heart:) by using <C-N> and <C-P> to start cycling forwards or backwards through the list of possible completions.

The :upload command allows you to specify a file to send to the currently focused room:

:upload "/home/user/Documents/Shared Document.pdf"

Clipboard images can be uploaded by pasting with p or P from the "+ and "* registers, and following the confirmation dialog. On macOS and Windows they contain the same contents, but they differ on Linux and other *nix systems running X11 or Wayland, where:

  • "+ contains the CLIPBOARD selection, which is usually set in a GUI application with <C-C> or by selecting “Copy Image” in a menu dialog.
  • "* contains the PRIMARY selection, which is usually the last selected text in X11 or Wayland.

So, for example, if you had copied an image from a web browser on Linux (placing it into the CLIPBOARD selection), you could paste it into iamb with "+p. Or, if you instead selected some text with your cursor (placing it into the PRIMARY selection), then you could paste it with "*p.

If you want to compose a longer message outside of iamb in your preferred text editor, you can use the :editor command to launch your configured $EDITOR.

Message Scrollback

You can scroll through messages from the message bar using the following keys:

  • <C-E>/<C-Y> to scroll downwards and upwards respectively a line at a time
  • <C-D>/<C-U> to scroll downwards and upwards respectively by half the window height
  • <C-F>/<C-B> to scroll downwards and upwards respectively by the window height

If you want to use movement keys to select individual messages, you can toggle focus between the message bar and the scrollback by pressing <C-W>m.

The plaintext content of messages can be copied to registers using yank keybindings like yy or Y, and marked with m{a-z}. Marked messages can then be returned to via '{a-z}.

You can search the plaintext content of messages using ? and / for reverse and forward search respectively. The n and N keys can be used to jump between results.


You can enter or create a thread by selecting the message in the scrollback and pressing <Enter>. This will open a thread view that will show you messages in that thread. If you send a message in this view, it will be sent in-thread.

Entering the thread view puts an entry into the jumplist, so when you are ready to return to the main room view, you can use ^O to move backwards through the jumplist.

Replying To A Message

If you select a message in the scrollback, you can reply to it using the :reply command. This will refocus the message bar, where you can type out your reply. You can then send it the same way that you would a normal message.

If you change your mind, or select the wrong message to reply to, you can use :cancel to undo your :reply.

Editing Messages

Once a message has been sent, you might find that you need to amend it, to fix typos or correct information. You can select the message and run the :edit command. This will update the text box to include the message’s original body for you to edit.

Once you’ve finished correcting the message, you can send it just like other messages to update the original.

Reacting To A Message

If you want to react to a message with an Emoji, you can select it in the scrollback, and then use the :react command. For example:

:react ❤️

As a convenience, you can use the GitHub Emoji shortcodes to refer to them instead. For example, we could have also written the above as:

:react heart

If you want to remove a reaction, you can do so with the :unreact command. By default, this will remove all your reactions from the specified message, but you can give a name if you’ve made any that you want to keep:

:unreact heart

Redacting A Message

If you need to remove a message from a room, you can do so using the :redact command on the message. This command optionally takes a single argument giving the reason for removing it. For example:

:redact "Message violates room rules"

If you’re removing a message because it contains secrets (e.g. passwords, authentication tokens, etc.), make sure to rotate them: redacting a message prevents people from seeing it in the future, but users in the room at the time it was originally sent may have already seen it, and it may still live in the room logs of some clients or bots.

Downloading Attachments

If you select an attachment in the scrollback, you can download it using the :download command:

  • When given no arguments, iamb will download the attachment to the configured downloads directory
  • When given a directory as an argument, the file will be saved there
  • Otherwise, the file file will be saved to the given path

If there is already a file of the same name, iamb will not overwrite it. You can use :download! to replace the file.

To open the file after downloading the file, use the :open command instead.

Links in messages are each assigned a number (or a letter when there are more than 10 links), which is shown within brackets (like [0]). You can use :open to view a list of their matching URLs, and pick one to open in a browser by typing its assigned character.

Screen Navigation

Following Matrix IDs

When your cursor is placed on top of a room, space, or user identifier (or an item for them when when browsing lists of rooms, spaces, or users), you can open a window for it using:

  • gf to open in the current window
  • <C-W>f to open a new window split for the identifier
  • <C-W>gf to open a new tab for the identifier

Window Management

Opening Windows

You can use :split (or its vertical variant :vsplit) to split the current window. You can optionally provide a room or user to open that room instead. For example:


Will vertically split the current window and open in the new window.

If you only need to duplicate the window without changing its content, you can use <C-W>s and <C-W>v to horizontally and vertically split the current window.

By default, the split commands will open the new window so that it is visually before the current one, but you can alter this using :belowright (as opposed to the default :aboveleft behaviour). Similarly, you can also change the axis of a split using the :vertical and :horizontal commands.

Several of the commands within iamb change the displayed content in the current window. You can force them to instead open a new window using the above commands. For example, to open the list of rooms below the current window:

:bel rooms

Or, to show a room’s members to the left side of the room instead of the right:

:abo hor members

Switching Windows

You can switch between between neighboring windows using the following keybindings:

  • <C-W>h will move to the window left of the current one
  • <C-W>j will move to the window below the current one
  • <C-W>k will move to the window above the current one
  • <C-W>l will move to the window right of the current one

If you want to move to previous content in the window, you can navigate through the jumplist using:

  • <C-O> to move backwards through the jumplist
  • <C-I> to move forward through the jumplist

You can provide a count to all of the above keybindings to repeat them multiple times.

Organizing Windows

You can reposition open windows using the following keybindings:

  • <C-W>H will move the current window to the left side of the screen, and use the full screen height
  • <C-W>J will move the current window to the bottom of the screen, and use the full screen width
  • <C-W>K will move the current window to the top of the screen, and use the full screen width
  • <C-W>L will move the current window to the right side of the screen, and use the full screen height

Sometimes, you may find yourself wanting to make a window occupy the whole screen without closing any of the other windows. You can:

  • Use <C-W>z to zoom in and out of a window without changing your current layout
  • Use <C-W>T to extract the window into its own tab

Resizing Windows

You can resize windows using the following keybindings:

  • <C-W>- will decrease the current window height by the specified count
  • <C-W>+ will increase the current window height by the specified count
  • <C-W>< will decrease the current window width by the specified count
  • <C-W>> will increase the current window width by the specified count
  • <C-W>= will attempt to resize all windows in the same row or column to have equal height and width

If your window manager or terminal is capturing <C-W>, you can use the :resize command to change window height. For example, :resize -10 will decrease the height by ten, and :resize +5 will increase it by 5.

To change the window width, use :vertical resize instead.

Closing Windows

You can close a window using <C-W>q, or close all windows but the current one using <C-W>o. When provided with a count, these keybindings will operate against that window position instead of the currently focused one.

If you prefer using commands, you can use :quit to close the current window, or :only to close all windows but the current one.

Tab Management

Opening Tabs

You can use the :tab command to modify a command that switches the window content or opens a new window to instead open a new tab. For example:

:tab rooms

The above command will open the list of joined rooms in a new tab. Similarly, if you already know what room you want to open:

:tab join

The above command is equivalent to running:


You can also press <C-W>gf while navigating a list of rooms and users to open it in a new tab instead.

Switching Tabs

You can move forwards or backwards through the open tabs using gt or gT respectively. If you know want to go to a specific tab, you can prefix gt with the tab number you want to focus on.

If you prefer using commands, you can use :tabn and :tabp to move between tabs instead of the keybindings.

You can also move to the first or last tab using :tabfirst and :tablast.

Organizing Tabs

You can rearrange your tabs using the :tabmove command, like you would in Vim:

  • :tabmove with no arguments moves the current tab to the end of the tab list
  • :0tabmove will move the current tab to the beginning of the tab list
  • :-tabmove will move the current tab left in the tab list
  • :+tabmove will move the current tab right in the tab list

Closing Tabs

You can close a tab using :tabclose. This will close the current tab with no arguments, but you can specify a position to close:

  • :tabclose 3 will close the third tab
  • :tabclose $ will close the last tab

If you want to close all tabs but the current one, use :tabonly.

Command Reference

iamb commands

:chatsSee Browsing Rooms And DMs Together
:createSee Room Creation
:dmsSee Browsing Direct Messages
:downloadSee Downloading Attachments
:editSee Editing Messages
:editorSee Sending
:invite acceptSee Room Invitations
:invite rejectSee Room Invitations
:invite sendSee Room Invitations
:joinSee Joining And Leaving Rooms
:keys exportSee Exporting / Importing Keys
:keys importSee Exporting / Importing Keys
:leaveSee Joining And Leaving Rooms
:logoutLog out of the client.
:membersSee Viewing Room/Space Members
:openSee Downloading Attachments and Opening Links
:reactSee Reacting To A Message
:redactSee Redacting A Message
:replySee Replying To A Message
:roomsSee Browsing Rooms
:room name setSee Setting Room Properties
:room name unsetSee Setting Room Properties
:room tag setSee Setting Room Tags
:room tag unsetSee Setting Room Tags
:room topic setSee Setting Room Properties
:room topic unsetSee Setting Room Properties
:spacesSee Browsing Spaces
:unreactSee Reacting To A Message
:uploadSee Sending
:verifySee Verification
:welcomeShows the startup Welcome window

Vim commands

:close:cloSee Closing Windows
:horizontal:horSee Opening Windows
:leftabove:lefta, :aboveleft, :aboSee Opening Windows
:only:onSee Closing Windows
:quitall:qa, :qall, :quitaSee Closing Windows
:quit:qSee Closing Windows
:resizeSee Resizing Windows
:rightbelow:rightb, :belowright, :belSee Opening Windows
:split:spSee Opening Windows
:tabSee Opening Tabs
:tabclose:tabcSee Closing Tabs
:tabedit:tabe, :tabnewSee Opening Tabs
:tablast:tablSee Switching Tabs
:tabmove:tabmSee Organizing Tabs
:tabnext:tabnSee Switching Tabs
:tabonly:taboSee Closing Tabs
:tabprevious:tabp, :tabNext, :tabNSee Switching Tabs
:tabrewind:tabr, :tabfirst, :tabfirSee Switching Tabs
:vertical:vertSee Opening Windows
:vsplit:vs, :vspSee Opening Windows

Keybinding Reference

iamb keybindings

Normal, Visual<C-W>m<C-W><C-M>See Message Scrollback
Normal, Visual<C-W>z<C-W><C-Z>See Organizing Windows

Vim keybindings

Note that this is not a complete list of all Vim keybindings available within iamb, but just some of those referenced and explained throughout this documentation.

Normal, VisualgfSee Following Matrix IDs
Normalgt<C-PageDown>See Switching Tabs
NormalgT<C-PageUp>See Switching Tabs
Normalm{a-z}See Message Scrollback
NormalnSee Message Scrollback
NormalNSee Message Scrollback
NormaloSee Sending
NormalOSee Sending
NormalyySee Message Scrollback
NormalYSee Message Scrollback
Normal'{a-z}See Message Scrollback
Normal/See Message Scrollback
Normal?See Message Scrollback
Normal, Visual<C-B><PageUp>See Message Scrollback
Normal, Visual<C-E>See Message Scrollback
Normal, Visual<C-F><PageDown>See Message Scrollback
Normal, Visual<C-D>See Message Scrollback
Normal<C-I><Tab>See Switching Windows
Normal<C-L>Force the window to redraw
Insert<C-N>See Sending
Normal<C-O>See Switching Windows
Insert<C-P>See Sending
Normal, Visual<C-U>See Message Scrollback
Normal, Visual<C-W>f<C-W><C-F>See Following Matrix IDs
Normal, Visual<C-W>gfSee Following Matrix IDs and Opening Tabs
Normal, Visual<C-W>h<C-W><C-H>See Switching Windows
Normal, Visual<C-W>HSee Organizing Windows
Normal, Visual<C-W>j<C-W><C-J>See Switching Windows
Normal, Visual<C-W>JSee Organizing Windows
Normal, Visual<C-W>k<C-W><C-K>See Switching Windows
Normal, Visual<C-W>KSee Organizing Windows
Normal, Visual<C-W>l<C-W<C-L>See Switching Windows
Normal, Visual<C-W>LSee Organizing Windows
Normal, Visual<C-W>o<C-W><C-O>See Closing Windows
Normal, Visual<C-W>q<C-W><C-Q>See Closing Windows
Normal, Visual<C-W>s<C-W><C-S>See Opening Windows
Normal, Visual<C-W>TSee Organizing Windows
Normal, Visual<C-W>v<C-W><C-V>See Opening Windows
Normal, Visual<C-W>-See Resizing Windows
Normal, Visual<C-W>+See Resizing Windows
Normal, Visual<C-W><See Resizing Windows
Normal, Visual<C-W>>See Resizing Windows
Normal, Visual<C-W>=See Resizing Windows
Normal, Visual<C-Y>See Message Scrollback


Setting Up Your Environment

In order to work on and build iamb locally, you will need:

  • stable Rust toolchain with clippy installed
  • nightly Rust toolchain with rustfmt installed

You can install the necessary Rust dependencies using rustup:

rustup toolchain install stable --component clippy
rustup toolchain install nightly --component rustfmt

You will also likely want to use rust-analyzer during your development. Refer to its documentation for help on setting it up in your preferred editor.

Programming in Rust

If you are new to Rust, some helpful resources to learn or refer to are:

You can find more resources on the Rust website.

At some point while working on iamb, you will have to touch one of its dependencies. Some of the libraries whose docs you may need are:

Finding an Issue

You may already have an idea of a feature you want to add or a bug that’s affecting you, but if you’re looking for something to get started learning how to contribute to iamb, you can search for a GitHub issue that interests you, and comment on it when you start working on it!

A couple useful ways to search through the open issues are:

Building, Formatting and Testing

The commands you will want to run the most are:

  • cargo check to run the type checker and borrow checker
  • cargo build to build a debug binary (outputs to target/debug/iamb)
  • cargo test to run the unit tests
  • cargo clippy to run lints and get suggestions for simplifying code
  • cargo +nightly fmt to apply the crate’s standard formatting to your changes

Once you have something you’re happy with, you can run cargo build --release to get a release binary. If you have a machine with plenty of RAM, you can use cargo build --profile release-lto to build a smaller, optimized binary using Link-Time Optimization.

Making a Pull Request

If you are unfamiliar with Git or GitHub, refer to the Git Book or Creating a pull request to get started.

If you want feedback while you’re still working on something, then please open a Draft Pull Request, so that someone can take a look.

Getting Help

There are several different places you can reach out for help:

  • to discuss in a Matrix room
  • File a GitHub issue to discuss your change (or comment on an existing one)
  • Open a Draft Pull Request to show and discuss code